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Benefits Canada – DB pension plan sponsors facing “bottleneck” in annuities market

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Benefits Canada – CAAT pension plan’s optional savings account allowing members to consolidate retirement savings

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Insurance Business – Disability insurance needs overhaul to support Canada

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What people have to say?

Our pension plan is smaller than most, but it’s a big deal for us!  ASI’s actuarial knowledge is excellent.  They especially understand the challenges facing smaller plans like ours. We’ve found their advice to be powerful and insightful.  Our plan is financially stronger as a result.  Their pension administration services are also excellent.  With ASI’s help we’ve streamlined our HR department while improving our relationship with our employees.  ASI is awesome! 

Brad Fisher | CFO Baytech Plastics Inc.

Jason and Dean were helpful, detailed and provided the necessary information for the College to make a well informed decision.

Russ Harrington | Chief Operating Officer College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants

We have been exceptionally pleased with the professionalism and expertise of Actuarial Solutions. I would highly recommend them to anyone in need of help from an actuarial company.

Tal Czudner | Chief Executive Officer Windsor Detroit Borderlink Limited

Your understanding of the marketplace, technical capabilities and service standards are excellent.

Paul Crossdale | CEO & President BenefitsConnect Canada

Jason, Dean and team are absolutely amazing.  They are knowledgeable, thorough, attentive and proactive.

Bruce Archer | President Gunnebo Canada Inc.

We used Actuarial Solutions Inc. to assess which type of retirement benefit approach made sense following the amalgamation of two previous organizations who had different approaches to retirement benefits. Actuarial Solutions Inc. took a methodical and collaborative approach to the work, including surveying staff, management and the Board to develop the objectives of the new retirement benefits plan. After each phase of analysis, Jason presented his findings and recommendations and then we moved on to the next phase. With each analysis, we brought staff, management and the Board along and ensured we provided sufficient information and communications. The project took almost 2 years but was comprehensive and thorough. Jason also helped with negotiations with the regulator, discussions with the new pension plan provider and worked with legal counsel to review the documents that would govern the new plan. I loved working with Jason. He was thorough, responsive, always open to suggestions and worked seamlessly with me and the HEC team.

Nancy Quattrocchi | Vice-President, Corporate Services Healthcare Excellence Canada

CNO has long worked with ASI and we have consistently benefitted from their superior attention to all aspects of service and exceptional level of knowledge. An area that stands out is ASI’s anticipatory approach – no matter the topic, options, contingencies and possibilities are explored and evaluated with great clarity. Actuarial considerations are not easy to understand – unless you are working with an ASI actuary!


Elizabeth Horlock | Director, Human Resources College of Nurses of Ontario

Working with Actuarial Solutions was extremely valuable and has helped us immensely with all tasks associated with our pension plan. Through the process, we were able to develop a comprehensive and detailed understanding of all processes and developments related to our plan.

Tomasz Cudzich | Accounting Manager St. Stanislaus – St. Casimir’s Polish Parishes Credit Union


Canadian Institute of Actuaries
Society of Actuarials

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